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We help marketers get in front of senior hospital executives, cardiovascular leaders who control hundreds of millions of dollars in spending every year.
Cardiology2.0 provides a wide variety of web, digital magazine and integrated media programs to help advertisers successfully connect with our engaged audience, and to maximize the return on their investment.
WEBSITE DIPLAY ADS needs to be a key tool in your company’s marketing mix. With nearly 100,000 pageviews per month, your opportunities for client exposure, via a variety of carefully targeted online opportunities, can lead to the brand engagement you need from your marketing investment.
Each month we bring out special editions on key topics in the cardiovascular realm. This is an avenue for you to engage with our target audience.
AD RATES: Full Page: $3000 / Premium Position: $5000
Click here to access our magazines:
March 2020: Cardiac Imaging
February 2020: Cardiac Monitoring
All content in Cardiology2.0 is copyrighted. Cardiology 2.0 offers a number of choices for reusing its magazine content. Article reprints from Cardiology2.0 allow you to educate your audience with our editorial insights. Utilize our content to reinforce your message while providing a valuable resource to your audience.
An article reprint provides you with a quality PDF of our branded article, as well as permission to post the article on your own site. Print the PDF to hand out at trade shows or post the article on your blog, whichever you like!
If you are interested in purchasing an article reprint please email us a link to the specific article at
Reprints pricing: $1500 per article.
For questions about advertising and reprints, send email to or call +1.347.970.8855
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