Cardiology2.0 is an online portal and digital magazine that showcases news, emerging technology and devices, issues and trends shaping cardiovascular practice. Cardiology 2.0 is the destination for cardiovascular physicians, clinicians, electrophysiologists, healthcare leaders, administrators, IT executives and technology professionals to stay informed.

Through our various digital assets we bring best-in-class coverage of:

  • Current trends, Medical Device Innovations, Regulatory Approvals, ongoing clinical trials/ studies
  • Application of technology solutions within the environment the cardiologists operate today
  • Relevant information required to make informed purchasing decisions related to cardiology practice
  • Day-to-day challenges and issues physicians face today and techniques they adopt
  • Insights, experiences, wisdom and thought leadership of cardiovascular leaders
  • Opinions & Perspectives of recognized experts in the cardiovascular fraternity on various topic


347 5th Avenue #1402-287
New York City, New York 10016
Tel: (347) 970-8855
Email: [email protected]

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