Concierge Choice Physicians (CCP), the nation’s leading full- service concierge medical service provider, today announced that Eric Hong, MD, FACC, a cardiologist with San Diego Cardiovascular Associates, has enrolled in the company’s Hybrid Choice™ program – an enhanced service that offers patients the option to secure more time, support and connectivity from their doctor.
CCP reports that concierge for cardiology is the fastest growing trend in membership medicine today. Keith Elgart, CCP’s chief operations officer, explains why it’s a natural fit. “Patients, who often become acquainted with their cardiologist at a vulnerable time in their life, want a secure relationship with the doctor they trust. Cardiologists enjoy having the extra time to spend with patients, helping them understand their treatment plans and lifestyle choices, and guide them like a coach toward better long-term health.”

Dr. Hong joins his colleague, Dr. Martin Charlat, in offering his patients the Hybrid Choice model of concierge care. The Hybrid Choice is unique in that patients can choose to join, or they can remain a patient in the traditional practice. Patients who join enjoy benefits such as: same-day/next-day appointments always scheduled with their chosen cardiologist, little to no waiting time, relaxed appointments that allow the doctors to take their time with patients, easy ways to connect directly with their doctor after hours, enhanced medical advocacy with other health providers, and a comprehensive cardiovascular assessment tailored to each patient’s unique needs.
Dr. Hong became interested in starting his own Concierge Choice program after seeing how well Dr. Charlat’s program was received. “Patient surveys show that Dr. Charlat’s members like having that deep, personal relationship with him, and knowing they can always reach him, even after hours. My patients want that option too—now more than ever,” says Dr. Hong. The high rates of COVID-19 in California are leading to heightened concerns about cardiovascular issues and the possibility of long-term cardiac conditions. “I want my patients to have peace of mind, knowing they have me to turn to if they are worried or need extra support,” says Hong. “The patients that want that one-to-one, personal connection with me can have it, and I can still care for traditional patients too. It’s a good solution for everyone. I’m glad to be starting my program right now.”